I learned about this breathing pattern from Dr. Andrew Weil and have
used it for some time myself. I also recommend it to my clients to use
to calm themselves, relax, and change their state to a more comfortable
one. Dr. Weil said he does a series of these breaths right before going
to sleep at night.
I like to preceed the yogic breathing with a few minutes in the hookups position (one of the tools here on this site).
- Here is how to do the breathing exerrcise:
- Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
- Position your tongue behind and just above your upper front teeth, with your lips comfortably open.
- Expel your breath, with a "huuuh" sound (not necessary to make the sound, but you can do it that way).
1. Breathe in through your nose to a count of four.
2. Hold your breath to a count of seven.
Exhale through your mouth (keeping the tongue in the behind the upper
front teeth position throughout this exercise) to a count of eight.
Repeat steps 1-3 four times.